Did you know you are legally responsible for switching to the new smoke alarm systems? Download our free guide to quickly and easily learn everything you need to know, and make an informed decision before its too late!
Right now in Queensland alone there are not enough technicians to upgrade everyone. This problem will get worse as we get closer to the deadline! Act now before it becomes a huge hassle.
The new legislation can be complicated and confusing. Everyone's property situation is unique. We've compiled a handy guide that details everything you need to become compliant and protect yourself legally.
You have to upgrade before the deadline or face financial penalty. Every day you wait upgrading becomes more expensive, as installers get back logged. Find a qualified installer today, and stop worrying about your fire safety.
Failure to meet fire safety compliance will cost you a lot of time and money. You need a trusted installer who will keep your property up to code.
Hire an expert you can trust to get the job done right - and avoid all of the extra stress, costs and worry. Hire a trustworthy professional.